
Up-to-date information on our actions and the sector

MEMU CONFERENCES. Mobile Explosives Manufacturing units. COITM of Santiago. Attendance of our Technicians.

We continue to prioritize the Continuous Training of our workers through Technological Innovation. Professional achievement lies in the quality of our team and its continuous improvement.

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CARMONA METHOD: Specific technique and exclusivity. Unique pioneers in the tape method in controlled blasting

Roads for urbanisation of the Pasaje construction site. Image of machinery with tape blanket adapting to the conditions of the ground.

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Calculation and execution of blasting. Office building, plot Z16 for Crespo Barros.

In a previous phase, a pre-cut has been drilled in order to execute the blasting. The image shows our retro excavator manipulating a blanket using the taping technique to dampen vibration and prevent projections after blasting. Double objective achieved, the safety of the system using the tape technique and providing solutions to our client Crespo Barro. Each blasting is unique, involving a very precise calculation study in urban areas.

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Execution of works in San Amaro (Coruña). Expectations fulfilled for our client Construcciones López Cao, S.L.

A leading company in controlled blasting in critical areas in civil works. With the technique of blasting blankets and shot, the importance and requirement of safety is reflected, given the inherent risk of the activity we perform. Each blasting operation involves: ✔️ Accurate planning ✔️ Precision in its calculation ✔️control of the load and the firing ✔️ minimize risk to adjacent buildings and the environment. The performance of our works is the best guarantee and makes us more competitive in terms of safety, quality, and environmental management.

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Proyecto financiado por el KIT DIGITAL